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Prati di Prada and the Lakes of Lamar

Valle dei Laghi

Duration in hours
Distance in km
Suggested period

An easy loop which unfolds at the foot of the Paganella massif and ranges from the grassy meadows of Prada to the Carsic lakes of Lamar, with their beautiful green and transparent waters.

A simple hike from the village of Monte Terlago to the Paganella mountain. The first part of the route passes through large expanses of grass used for hay-making that are perfect for taking beautiful photos. Then continue downhill towards a basin where you will come across Lake Lamar. Its turquoise waters are a popular place for bathing and relaxing during summer. Once at the lake, continue left towards Selva Faeda: here you’ll find yourself in the middles of an unspoilt forest where you can spot wild animals and listen to the nature surrounding you. At the end of the path through the forest you’ll reach the village of Vallene where you can take a short connection and return to the starting point at the bottom of the Paganella mountain.

Further information and useful links

For more information on routes, services (guides, mountain huts, shops etc.) and hiking friendly accommodation: Garda Trentino - +39 0464 554444


Route info
Route number
8,1 km
2 h 30 min
Altitude difference (+)
260 m
Altitude difference (-)
260 m
Technical skills
Physical effort
Highest point
856 m
Lowest point
695 m

From June to September, you can stop for a refreshing dip in Lake Lamar. During autumn, when the leaves turn a thousand different colours, the lake basin is a spectacular setting where you can relax on the beaches and admire the nature around you. Refreshments are available at Lake Lamar.

Safety guidelines

Safety Tips

  1. Choose itineraries that suit your physical and technical abilities. Collect information about the area you are visiting and the trail’s conditions and get a detailed trekking map.
  2. Wear clothes and take equipment that suit the difficulty and length of your tour. Keep emergency gear in your rucksack, including first aid supplies.
  3. Do not go walking alone in the mountains. In any case, tell someone where you are going and report back on returning.
  4. Look at the weather forecast before setting off and always keep an eye on the weather.
  5. In case of doubt, go back. It is better to give up than risk bad weather or face difficulties beyond your strength, ability and equipment.
  6. Do not leave marked paths and do not take shortcuts.
  7. All described walks are in a natural environment and therefore their use is at your own risk.

This information is subject to inevitable variations, so none of these indications are absolute. It is not entirely possible to avoid giving inexact or imprecise information, given how quickly environmental and weather conditions can change. For this reason, we decline any responsibility for changes which the user may encounter. In any case, it is advisable to check environment and weather conditions before setting out.

Punto di partenza
Monte Terlago

From the car park at the edge of the village of Monte Terlago follow the SAT627 path (di San Vili), cross the grassland of Prada and descend along the Val dele pegore to Malga Terlaga bassa and Lake Lamar. Walk along the lake and then uphill through woodland. At the crossing by a wooden cross take the righthand path through the wood of Selva Faeda to return to Monte Terlago via Vallene.

public transportation

Monte Terlago is connected by the intercity bus lines 205 (Riva del Garda – Sarche – Trento), 206 (Trento-Cadine-Sopramonte-Terlago-Monte Terlago) or 230 (Trento-Ciago-Monte Terlago-Ranzo-Margone) to the other places in Garda Trentino.

Up-to-date information on timetables and routes here or on the website of Trentino Trasporti.

How to get there

To reach Monte Terlago: from the SS 45bis road (Gardesana) follow the signs for Terlago/Monte Terlago/Lago di Lamar. Once you reach the village of Monte Terlago turn left onto Strada della Paganella and follow it until you reach the free car park just above the last houses.

Find out how to reach Garda Trentino.


Where to park

Free car park at the edge of the village of Monte Terlago: from the Laghi di Lamar road, follow the Paganella road until you reach it, just above the last houses.

You need to wear the right clothing and take the proper gear when you go hiking in the mountains. Even on relatively short easy outings make sure to take all you need so you don't run into trouble if things take an unexpected turn, for example a storm blows up or you have a sudden drop in energy levels.

What should you take when you go on a hike?

Your rucksack (for a day trip a 25/30L capacity should do) should contain:

  • water canteen (1L)
  • snacks (e.g. mixed dried fruit or chocolate)
  • First aid kit
  • windproof jacket
  • fleece
  • change of t-shirt and socks (in a plastic bag)
  • make sure to wear or at least bring a pair of long trousers
  • hat
  • sun screen
  • sunglasses
  • gloves
  • whistle to attract attention in an emergency


Make sure you're wearing the right footwear for the trail and season. The going can get rough and rocky underfoot and a pair of hiking boots will protect you from sprains. When wet, a grassy slope, rocky slab or steep trail can be dangerous unless you are wearing the proper footwear.

And finally... don't forget to bring your camera! You'll need it to capture the stunning views you come across all over Garda Trentino. And if you like, you can share your memories with us at #GardaTrentino.

Emergency telephone number 112.

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