Garda Trentino Logo
Garda Trentino Logo
Stories from lake Garda to the Dolomites


A magazine to savour, page after page.

BLU, like the water of the lake as it meets the sky on the horizon.
BLU, like the River Sarca, as it flows impetuously in the gorge of Limarò and like the exquisite spa water that gushes forth in Comano.
BLU, reflecting the deep green of the woods in Ledro, Lamar and Lagolo

The BLU we want to relate is much more than a colour. Instead, it is that particular state of mind experienced by anyone who lives or even spends a few days in Garda Trentino. We speak of our love for a majestic landscape which, in a handful of kilometres, goes from palm trees and olive groves to pastures and mountain pines. From the shores of Lake Garda to the peaks of the Brenta Dolomites.

But we also talk about that special sensation of wellness you feel when relaxing on the beach, finishing a hike on a rock face, or sipping a lovely glass of wine at a table in the local square.

This is what we write about in the pages of BLU: stories and experiences of those who live in Garda Trentino every day, but gladly share it with those who choose it as their holiday destination.

Browse BLU and be inspired.