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Monte Corno Trail-Tour

Torbole sul Garda - Nago, Arco, Surroundings

Duration in hours
Distance in km
Suggested period

Steep climbs, steep descents: a circuit for ambitious mountain bikers.

Signage: 763. Monte Corno Trail - Tour

From Arco, set off towards Bolognano. Pass through the village. After the last houses you come to a gravelled forest road. Cycling initially along chestnut groves, later through forests, you climb constantly, rounding several hairpin bends and ascending almost 1000 vertical metres. You should definitely plan a short stop at 7.2 km, where a loop takes you a few metres through the forest and then along the edge of the terrain, where, from a series of military emplacements from WWI, you can enjoy a breathtaking view over Lake Garda. Descend down the legendary Maso Naranch trail, which is technically quite demanding. If the descent down to Nago is too difficult, you can avoid the last, very demanding part of the trail. Passing the picturesque little church of San Tomè, descend via Nago into the valley and pass by orchards on the way back to your starting point in Arco.



Further information and useful links

For more information on routes, bike services (rentals, workshops, shops) and cycling friendly accommodation: Garda Trentino - +39 0464 554444

Route info
Route number
20,2 km
3 h 35 min
Altitude difference (+)
980 m
Altitude difference (-)
980 m
Physical effort
Highest point
1.013 m
Lowest point
73 m

On the Monte Corno you can still see Austrian trenches from the First World War.

Safety guidelines

ITRS - International Trail Rating System

The ITRS is an objective way to assess trails and routes from a biker’s perspective, evaluating four aspects:

  • Technical Difficulty: riding skill level needed
  • Endurance: combined effect of length, uphill and downhill
  • Wilderness: amount of planning required based on mobile phone reception, rescue options, water supply and wildlife
  • Exposure: consequences of a fall

Discover more about the ITRS system and check the classification of this tour in the photo gallery.


Safety Tips

  1. Always wear your helmet.
  2. Plan your ride.
  3. You share the trail with other users. Yield right of way to hikers.
  4. Let your speed be determined by your experience.
  5. Ride slowly on crowded trails, overtake with politeness and respect.
  6. Cycle only on authorized and open trails.
  7. Avoid muddy trails in order not to damage them further.
  8. Respect public and private property.
  9. Always be self-sufficient.
  10. Do not cycle solo in remote areas.

This information is subject to inevitable variations, so none of these indications are absolute. It is not entirely possible to avoid giving inexact or imprecise information, given how quickly environmental and weather conditions can change. For this reason, we decline any responsibility for changes which the user may encounter. In any case, it is advisable to check environment and weather conditions before setting out.

Punto di partenza
Caneve (Arco)

The starting point given by the gps track is Arco, at the cycle path at the Caneve car park. Follow the cycle path towards the car park exit onto Viale Rovereto. Keep left here and continue on down the main road which you will leave on your right in just 100 m. Now turn onto the first road you come to on your right and keep on straight until you come to the church in the centre of Bolognano.

Leave the church on your left and follow directions for Gazzi where you begin to climb along the main road. About 300 m from the church, on a bend to the left, follow directions and take the secondary road right in front of you, Via del Cacciatore. Keep on straight, the road surface is still paved, but soon it will turn into a dirt track. Climbing steadily, follow the main trail until you come to a building which is clearly derelict, Malga Fiavei. Keep following the same road uphill and from here on the going gets rougher. After a few bends, follow directions and leave the road and keep right in the direction of Pannone. You have come to the top of the climb. After a short stretch of seemingly flat road, you start to go downhill on a rather steep road with some stretches of cement, some little steps, and the going at times quite rough. This downhill run takes you straight to Maso Naranch. The meadow in front of this farm building is a natural viewing terrace over Lake Garda and if there is any visibility at all you simply have to take some photos.

At the end of the meadow overlooking the lake you will find signposting for the route once more and now you head on down the trail. There are a number of turnoffs in the woods, all signposted. As you ride down the different stretches of trail you will cross the paved road for Nago several times. Always take care as you come out onto the road. It isn’t a very busy road, but you could come across other vehicles or bikes heading downhill. In this section of the trail too you will find some stretches are quite treacherous. In the vicinity of the village of San Tomè the trail is interrupted and now you have only to follow the steep paved road as far as Nago. When you come to the traffic lights at the intersection with the main road which leads down to Torbole and Arco, go straight through and head towards the right.

Riding through the streets of the historic centre of Nago you will come back onto the road you crossed at the intersection, this time at a roundabout. On your left you will see directions taking you down a steep lane which goes through a car park. If you opt to follow the route, after a short section on cement you will find yourself on a dirt track. In this first stretch the going is quite loose at times. You come to the main road now and, taking special care, cross it and take the cement road in front of you. This will take you downhill, alternating cement and dirt track, to the farmland of Pratosaiano. Follow directions at the various junctions, cross the fields and you will soon come to the outskirts of Arco. Pass the Fire Station and keep left at the roundabout, turn onto the cycle path and you will soon be back where you started from.

public transportation

The main towns in Garda Trentino - Riva del Garda, Arco, Torbole sul Garda, Nago – are connected by several urban and intercity bus lines which will take you to the starting point of tours or in the immediate surroundings.

You can also get to Riva del Garda and Torbole sul Garda by the public ferry service.

Up-to-date information on timetables and routes.

How to get there
Where to park

Parking in Caneve (5 minutes walk to the town centre).

Paid parking: Foro Boario, near the bridge (Via Caproni Maini) or the post office (Via Monache).

Riding your bike requires specific clothing and equipment, even for relatively short and easy trips. It is always better to be prepared… e.g. for bad weather or a sudden drop in your energy levels. The unexpected things are part of the fun!

Remember to thoroughly evaluate the type of route you plan on doing, the locations you intend to cross and the current season. Has it been raining? Attention: The paths may be slippery and require more caution.

What do I need to bring on my bike tour?

  • An adequate water supply according to your needs (considering temperature, possibility of refuelling and duration of the route)
  • Plenty of snacks (for example, dried fruit or energy bars)
  • Waterproof / Windproof jacket
  • A spare top / spare socks (Descending in a sweaty garment, will make you cold).
  • Suncream
  • Sunglasses
  • Bike gloves/mitts
  • Map or GPS device
  • Bike lights: best placed on your helmet or handlebars. (It is always best to be prepared)
  • Bike repair kit for punctures and mechanical breakdowns
  • First aid kit
  • Emergency whistle

It is always advised to let someone know where you plan to go and how long you expect to be.

Emergency telephone number 112.

E-Bike Stop Parking Caneve - Arco
bike stop
Torbole sul Garda - Nago
E-Bike Stop Parking Coel - Nago
bike stop
Strada della Porcilaia is closed for works
Strada della Porcilaia is closed for works from August 2024 until April 2025
Staff Outdoor GardaTrentino SO
26.08.2024 10:56
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