Garda Trentino Logo
Garda Trentino Logo
Outdoor Park
Passion in the field


Taking care of the land, every day

Garda Trentino Outdoor Park is an integrated project for the development of sports and outdoor activities, which aims to preserve, maintain, and enhance paths, via ferratas, crags, and mountain bike trails in Garda Trentino, Valle di Ledro, Comano and Valle dei Laghi, a delicate and wonderful ecosystem made up of land, scenery, local people, and visitors. Established in 2009, this pioneering initiative stands out as a one-of-a-kind venture in Europe, embodying the profound spirit of sports (and teamwork) inherent Garda Trentino.

What the Garda Trentino Outdoor Park is:

  • A strong understanding: working together to generate ideas and bring initiatives to life.
    A strategic alliance between the Municipal Administrations, Garda Dolomiti Azienda per il Turismo, the Valley Communities, the Forestry Department and the Autonomous Province of Trento, Local Police, local SAT (Società degli Alpinisti Tridentini) clubs and Biker Associations.

  • Commitment to the land: promotion of its respectful and sustainable use.
    Our land must be valued, defended, and used with full respect for the environment and landscape.

  • Order and rules for proper coexistence.
    Tourism is an economic asset, but it can pose challenges in relations with the local population without proper management and shared rules.

  • Territory and outdoor activities: a multi-year work in progress.
    Every year, the Technical Group, comprising representatives from all stakeholders, discusses the management and development plan. The operational choices, enhancement measures, and mitigation strategies to be implemented are defined through specific, participatory meetings.

  • Guidelines to be transformed into concrete projects:

    • Planning and designing the development of outdoor activities and associated structures, ensuring they do not cause degradation.

    • Defining timeframes for intervention, management, communication, promotion, and the commitment of those involved.

    • Reducing the reasons for conflict with the population and the impact on the environment.

    • Preserving and protecting spaces and facilities dedicated to outdoor activities.

    • Making the product more usable.

    • Maintaining works in the long term.


Want to know more about the Garda Trentino Outdoor Park? Write to us!

A Growing Legacy

The “Garda Trentino Outdoor Park” logo represents sports facilities directly managed by the Tourism Board. Currently, we manage:

  • 23 CRAGS



The Garda Rangers
Garda Trentino’s outdoor guardian angels
The “Outdoor Park Garda Trentino” sees hiking paths, bike trails and vie ferrate (fixed-rope routes) regularly checked and maintained by the “Garda Rangers”. 
Well-maintained paths and crags
Want to be super helpful?
Keeping a vast area like Garda Trentino in check is no small feat. After a storm or simply over time, there may be a need to replace signs, repair fences, or relocate rocks.
If you come across anything that requires attention, please let us know by completing the notification form: the Garda Rangers will be swift to respond!