Apart from three boulders bolted with short easy routes (up to 10/12m) suitable for beginners and kids, there are other bouldering possibilities in the pinewood.
This crag offers over 20 routes, some of moderate difficulty, and generally with spits close together. The climbing is mostly on slabs with the ideal slope for experimenting and learning the right way to use holds when friction climbing. Little clearings have been made around the enormous boulders which are handy for belaying climbers or just relaxing.
Massi di Gaggiolo is at the foot of Monte Brento, famed in climbing history in the Bassa Sarca area: given the breadth and length of the wall, some of the interesting routes freed over forty years ago are over a thousand metres long.
2 walking minutes from the parking place beside the main road SS 45 bis in Gaggiolo (45° 59.502 N / 010° 55.556 E)
Attention: Directions provided by Google Maps may not always be accurate or up-to-date. For more reliable navigation, we recommend using a dedicated route app, such as OutdoorActive or similar.
Climbing safely means climbing responsibly! Please note these safety rules for safe climbing in Garda Trentino.